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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Steve Jobs Informative Essays - 1022 Words

Outline for Informative Speech Topic: Steve Jobs General Purpose: To Inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the life of Steve Jobs Thesis: Technology would never be the same ever since the arrival of the great Steve Jobs. * Introduction Attention Getter: In 1984 the first cd play or â€Å"Walk-man† was released. The first laptop came out in 1982 and cost a mere $8,150 which comes out to $19,630 today. In 2001 the first smartphone was released. All of these devices since have been outdated and updated. And the company that runs them all is Apple Co. And Apple would not be where it is if not for the mastermind behind it all, Steve Jobs Significance: Almost everyone, everywhere either own or have owned an IPod, IPhone, or†¦show more content†¦Body 2 In 1971 Jobs enrolled at Homestead High School Not long after that did he was introduced to his future partner in business Steve Wozniak through a friend. Wozniak was attending University of Michigan when they met. Wozniak once said in an interview with ABC News â€Å"We both loved electronics and the way we used to hook up digital chips, Wozniak said. Very few people, especially back then had any idea what chips were, how they worked and what they could do. I had designed many computers so I was way ahead of him in electronics and computer design, but we still had common interests. We both had pretty much sort of an independent attitude about things in the world.† After High School Jobs enrolled at Reed College in Oregon Lacking focus and direction Jobs dropped out after only 6 months but still continued to go to some Art classes Jobs then took a game testing job for Atari in 1974 He left after 7 months to go to India to find spiritual enlightenment in India While he did this he experimented with psychogenic drugs and traveled the world. In 1976, when Jobs was just 21 he and Wozniak started Apple Computers They started the company out of Jobs parents garage They funded Apple by Jobs selling his car and Wozniak selling his scientific calculator * Transition: FromShow MoreRelatedSteve Jobs By Michael Fassbender964 Words   |  4 PagesSteve Jobs is another one of those movies that, on paper, may not seem like it would work, but thanks to fantastic filmmakers, it turns into a great project. Focusing on just three key moments in the life of its eponymous lead, played by Michael Fassbender, Steve Jobs is a movie that manages to somehow convey to the audience a significant amount of complexity, a staggering amount of depth, and more than enough humor to make this idea pay off. 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Web. 13 Oct. 2014 This source helped me because it demonstrates how Jobs was a very successful entrepreneur that he was chosen to be the entrepreneur of the decade. Within this source, there was also a interview/ conversation between Jobs and Inc. This source was veryRead MoreThe Impact of Apple Computers887 Words   |  4 Pagesits time (page 120). After a short period of time, the product became a failure due to poor marketing with its astonishing high price. Nevertheless, Xerox PARC left a legacy that helped created a device that made Apple famous in the 1980s. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak (Woz) are the two geniuses of their time. They created the Apple Company in the 1970s, and when these two combined their knowledge of computing, they invented the world first low-cost computer in 1977, the Apple II. Not only these computersRead MoreApple : Make It Informative And Interesting1546 Words   |  7 PagesRunning head: APPLE 1 2 9 APPLE Apple Make it Informative and Interesting Joseph J. 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In addition to the host of hardware electronics that Apple makes and manufactures, Apple also makes consumerRead MoreThe Progression Of Steve Job s Life, And What He Contributed Society2039 Words   |  9 PagesJoseph Diez Prof. Pauline Davies COM 100/13011 2/11/2015 Informative speech Visionary of a lifetime General Purpose: To inform the audience Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the progression of Steve Job’s life, and what he contributed society Thesis Statement: Steve Jobs was always a brilliant student, but had a bit of a tough upbringing, but as anyone can seeRead MoreProduct and Service Marketing Analysis1219 Words   |  5 Pagesto be considerate of the consumer’s needs. That is why Apple is known for hiring â€Å"customer-obsessed, empathetic employees.† Apple cofounder Steve Jobs offered a unique insight about how consumers interact with technology. 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Nevertheless, Apple had to face quickly with faceRead MoreNew Product Launch Marketing Plan2929 Words   |  12 PagesProduct Launch Marketing Plan, Part I Apple is a global multinational corporation based out of Cupertino, California. Apple designs, sells and develops personal computers, computer software and consumer electronics. Apple was founded by the late Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne. A few of Apple’s most popular products are the I-Pad, I-Phone, IPod music player, and of course the line of MAC pc’s in addition to, the host of hardware electronics that Apple has invented and manufactures. Apple

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